In his earliest memories, Pochi remembers sitting in a gift store in a shopping mall, among an assortment of other stuffed toys. He knows he was made in China, but he can barely remember the trip he took from the factory in China to the toy store in Arizona.
Pochi remembers being in that gift store for what seemed like forever. Then, one day, this lady, who was James’s mom, picked up Pochi and showed him to James’s dad. That moment would change Pochi’s life, because the next thing she did was take him to the cashier and buy him and a couple of greeting cards. Pochi’s adventure started that day, or at least, he thought it did.
If you wonder who James is, that is the boy who would be Pochi’s owner for a long time to come. But, when Pochi arrived home to the house in Arizona, James was not yet born, so Pochi sat around doing nothing most of the time except when James mom gave him some attention.
Pochi was excited when James was born, because now he had someone to share the small room with. He watched James when he was a baby and sometimes James would wake Pochi up in the middle of the night. Actually, he would do it often. Pochi didn’t mind because he knew that James would give him a lot of attention soon. He just had to wait for James to grow up enough to become a toddler. Pochi waited and waited.
That is where Pochi got his start. In the book about Pochi’s adventure in Japan, you will learn more about what happened when James got older. It changed Pochi’s life forever.